The Problem With Complaining About The System

“…is that the system can’t hear you. Only people can.

And the problem is that people in the system are too often swayed to believe that they have no power over the system, that they are merely victims of it, pawns, cogs in a machine bigger than themselves.

Alas, when the system can’t hear you, and those who can believe they have no power, nothing improves.

Systems don’t mistreat us, misrepresent us, waste our resources, govern poorly, support an unfair status quo and generally screw things up–people do.

If we care enough, we can make it change.”
– Seth Godin

Fundamental Truths Are Universal

“While practices are situationally specific, principles are deep, fundamental truths that have universal application.  They apply to individuals, to marriages, to families, to private and public organizations of every kind.  When these truths are internalized into habits, they empower people to create a wise variety of practices to deal with different situations.”

  • Stephen R. Covey

Victory Is Always Possible For The Person Who Refuses To Stop Fighting

“Julius Caesar had long wished to capture the British. He sailed to the British Isles, quietly unloaded his troops and supplies, and gave the order to burn the ships. He then called all of his men together and said, “Now it is win or perish. We have no choice.” With that single order, he guaranteed the success of his campaign. He knew that people who have no other alternative – or will accept no other – always win.

If you find yourself in a situation where victory seems impossible, you may benefit your cause be developing an alternate course of action. If your objective won’t yield to a full frontal assault, try an oblique approach. There are very few problems in life that are impossible to solve, and few obstacles that will not eventually give way to a determined, motivated person with a plan that is flexible enough to cope with changing conditions.”
– Napoleon Hill

Anyone Can Quit When The Going Is Hard, But A thoroughbred Never Quits Until He Wins

“The going is always hard on the road to greatness. If success were easy, everyone would achieve it. True Thoroughbreds never quit. Competition only spurs them, and obstacles merely reinforce their determination to succeed. If you have not yet achieve greatness in your life, it is because you have been willing to settle for less. You may not cross the finish line first every time you try, but if you stay in the race, you will eventually prevail.”
– Napoleon Hill

The Most Interesting Thing About A Postage Stamp Is The Persistence With Which It Sticks To Its Job

“The tiny, insignificant postage stamp is a good example of what it is possible to achieve if you stick with the job until it is finished. Inconspicuously stuck on the corner of the envelope, it provides the impetus to keep moving until the entire packet reaches its ultimate destination. The influence you may have upon your company, your church, your family, or any organization is incalculable if you have the persistence to pursue your goal until you achieve it. It is an absolute certainty that you will encounter obstacles in any worthwhile endeavor. When you do, remember the inconsequential little postage stamp and stick with the job until it is finished.”
– Napoleon Hill

Open Up

“Unless I open up with you, unless you understand me and my unique situation and feelings, you won’t know how to advise or counsel me. What you say is good and fine, but it doesn’t quite pertain to me.”
– Stephen R. Covey

The Abundance Mentality

“The Abundance Mentality flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making. It opens possibilities, options, alternative, and creativity.”
– Stephen R. Covey

Most Misfortunes Are The Results Of Misused Time

“The only luck in the world is the luck you create for yourself. Only in the casino are the odds in favor of the house. In real life, the odds always favor those who use their time wisely to pursue their goals constructively, to fill every day with a full measure of honest work. Bad luck befalls those who waste time and mental energy hoping for the big break that will propel them to greatness. We all have the same twenty-four hours available to us in each day. Most of us spend eight hours working and eight hours sleeping. What you do with the remaining eight hours will have a tremendous influence on the level of success you achieve in your life.”
– Napoleon Hill

Life Is Not A Competition

“Certainly there is a place for Win/Lose thinking in truly competitive and low-trust situations. But most of life is not a competition. We don’t have to live each day competing with our spouse, our children, our coworkers, our neighbors, and our friends. “Who’s winning in your marriage?” is a ridiculous question. If both people aren’t winning, both are losing.”
– Stephen R. Covey